Breakdown Of Processing An Animal

Jackson Brothers Meat Locker establishment 352 is an inspected slaughter plant by the state of Texas. Any Beef or Hog brought into our establishment is processed and inspected by a state inspector which is on site at the time of processing. Beef or Hogs are aged properly (Beef 14 to 28 days approx. Hogs less than a week) then processed and packaged and put directly into the freezer. The meat goes through a hard freeze for 24 hours before being boxed up. As only a processing plant we are not responsible for any meat that may not taste or smell to the customers liking. Customers must be aware that age different types of feeds and breeds of animals may highly affect the way the meat may taste. We can only control the meat sold out of our retail window.

When Beef or Hogs are brought into our plant the animal is weighed. The customer is then given a slip with Field Weight F/W or Walk in Weight of the animal being processed. Approximately 50-60% of beef is usually left on the rail (Dress Weight) after the hide, head, and beef offal are removed. A hog approximately 40 to 50lbs. is lost with hide and offal. After allowed time to hang on the rail the animal is then processed. Depending on the animals fat content and what is being processed (More Ground equals less weight take home) then approximately 63% is kept from the dress weight:

Example Hog:

300 Ib. F/W

260 Ib. D/W


163.80 Ib. 63% approximate take home

Example Beef:

900 Ib. F/W

450 Ib. D/W 50% usually more like 55%


283.5 Ibs. 63% approximate take home

*All customers are welcome to come in and watch his/her beef or hog at time of processing to eliminate any questions the customer might have. Each animal is hung individually and processed individually to guarantee you receive the animal you brought in is yours. Jackson Brothers Meat Locker is not responsible for any meat products left in our storage freezer for over 90 days!!!

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